We just love teenagers. We love their passion, creativity and possibility. Actually, we also just love ourselves when we are gather around with them.
Aside of hosting the wedding, we are also a fan of #Byenior event. It seems like all creativity has been unleashed just like for one last time. And among all Byenior events we have ever hosted, this is our favorite. The one with creatively designed based on the theme "Bohemia".

The backdrop was creatively built from the old rustic woods. All tripods were aligned nicely at the Hallway garden.

It was the early at night. All seniors arrived at the venue around 18.00. Wow look at their dresses!
We just loved how exceedingly they were.

Our designer was also having fun together with our guests! Not many time that we also have a chance to fully express our alternative decorative design in our venue. The Bohemian tent was set up charmingly in the Duet Patio.

And suddenly, the Duet Patio was full of Gypsy caravan.

The night was still young. All guest were having a good time around the venue. Of course, the #byenior is supposed to end; however, we think their real lives just started.
And they just started it right - YOUNG, WILD and FREE.