Somewhere inside our hearts, there's always a space for such a fairy tale.
Our unique bride and groom were so unique and crystal clear about what they want. It was their inspiration to magically create their dream wedding under the theme "Beauty & The beast"

All design elements under the fairy tale was brought alive by our designer to create the most unique wedding design at the Garden Hall. The light installation with shiny gold and red roses were selected as the combination of the first backdrop.

Crystal line was also added to add a sparkling wrinkle to the design. This gave a very classy welcome deck for all guests.
The whole theme of the flower decoration inside the hall was designed under the theme "Beauty & The Beast". All forestry elements were combined together to make the fantasia morning alive.

Light installation with the long white carpet created the unforgettable unique scene at the Duet Patio.
The Thai ceremony was hosted at the Duet Patio. The white Venus frame together with wild red roses with hand written typography created another beautiful scene.
The main hall was the extravagant highlight. Beautiful backdrop along with the pair long tables took us away from reality to the world of fairy tale.

It was actually one morning that we thought it wasn't real. Well, or may be this true real than our reality.
And may be "once upon a time is now"

Please see more photos of the design from this link: